InnoSpire Technology’s self-developed smart glasses, InnoSpire Glasses was reported by Now News. InnoSpire Glasses is developed to help visually impaired people read texts and identify surroundings more easily.
Founder of InnoSpire Technology Kelvin said, “We will actively widen the scope of smart glasses’ usages, such as introducing the product to people with Dyslexia to help them learn and read. On the other hand, I would like to attribute the successful installation of “Speech-to-Text” technology into a Smart Glasses to my team. From now on, reading texts displayed on the glasses’ screens, hearing impaired people can communicate with others and access information more easily.”
We are always dedicated to forge an integrated society without barriers and going towards this ambition. Finally we would like to offer our special thanks to CityU HK Tech 300 for their support which enables us to make continuous advancement in technological development.
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