Nowadays more and more people realize that Social Business Build-up and the use of technology can reduce cost and raise social effectiveness. Founders of Innospire, Kelvin and Ricky are pleased to join a sharing session of the Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities Project organized by the Centre for Civil Society and Governance and Meta. All the guests of the event are enthusiastic people who devote great care to Charity and Social Innovation, including the founder of Esperanza Mr. John Tsang. They shared on how to achieve imagination and social mission through branding and business innovation, and on how to strike a balance between making profit to sustain business and providing effective social service. In the event, Kelvin and Ricky also introduced our concept of using technology to help the disadvantaged and our latest product – WeVoice Smart Glasses. Through joining different events, we hope to raise public awareness of the visually impaired and encourage people to register as WeVoice volunteers to help them recognize objects and search for destinations etc anywhere and anytime. In this case, visually impaired people can live more independently and solve different problems in their daily lives.
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#滙創永續 #薯片叔叔共創社 #曾俊華 #InnoSpireTechnologyLimited創啟社會科技有限公司 #悦聲易視障好幫手 #視障人士 #老人 #長者 #義工 #後台人員 #視力 #協助 #非牟利機構 #初創 #WeVoicePlus #visuallyimpaired #elderly #volunteer #mobile #app #香港大學 #社會創業 #永續生活 #永續發展 #社會創新 #商業創業 #HKU #HKUCCSG #BusinessInnovation #SocialEntrepreneurship